Holy Magic Self
death's dynamic shroud
Released on February 7, 2023
Duration: 01:30:41
General description of album, including any relevant information/quotes from the composer about the album as a whole. This description will be shown
in part on the "Recent Submissions" and "Featured Album" sections.
Discussion of the album title and its possible meanings.
Description of the album cover and its implications for the album itself.
- You're My Wife
- Perfect Utterance (Part 1)
- Hero Of Your Own World
- Hallways Of Madness
- A Safe Place
- Appearing In A Dream As A Younger Version Of Yourself
- Return Of The Hero
- A Chance To Start Over
- Why Can't I Move?
- Something Is Off Here
- Where Am I?
- Memory Pools (Part 1)
- Memory Pools (Part 2)
- Memory Pools (Part 3)
- Voices Around My Bed
- Memory Pools (Void)
- Hi Honey
- Universe Shredding Romance
- Trapped Between Selves
- Please Go Away
- Perfect Utterance (Part 2)
- I Can Remember The Feeling
- Alone In The Castle
- It’s Starting To Get To Me
- Welcome Home
- When We Die
- First Crush (Part 2)
- Receiving Truth In The Void
- Only If You Want Me To Be
- Graduation Day
You're My Wife
Duration: 02:28
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Perfect Utterance (Part 1)
Duration: 02:41
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Hero Of Your Own World
Duration: 02:25
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Hallways Of Madness
Duration: 00:47
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
A Safe Place
Duration: 03:20
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Appearing In A Dream As A Younger Version Of Yourself
Duration: 05:08
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Return Of The Hero
Duration: 03:26
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
A Chance To Start Over
Duration: 03:24
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Why Can't I Move?
Duration: 01:15
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Something Is Off Here
Duration: 01:23
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Where Am I?
Duration: 00:50
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Memory Pools (Part 1)
Duration:colon; 03:55
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Memory Pools (Part 2)
Duration: 04:56
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Memory Pools (Part 3)
Duration: 03:32
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Voices Around My Bed
Duration: 01:06
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Memory Pools (Void)
Duration: 03:11
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Hi Honey
Duration: 01:25
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Universe Shredding Romance
Duration: 03:29
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Trapped Between Selves
Duration: 02:26
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Please Go Away
Duration: 02:15
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Perfect Utterance (Part 2)
Duration: 04:24
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
I Can Remember The Feeling
Duration: 03:46
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alone In The Castle
Duration: 04:17
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
It’s Starting To Get To Me
Duration: 01:07
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Welcome Home
Duration: 02:09
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Duration: 05:05
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
When We Die
Duration: 04:30
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
First Crush (Part 2)
Duration: 02:05
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Receiving Truth In The Void
Duration: 02:45
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Only If You Want Me To Be
Duration: 01:54
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Graduation Day
Duration: 05:03
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Concluding Thoughts
Anything to wrap up the analysis after having detailed the individual songs
Additional Media
Recent Submissions
death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
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