death's dynamic shroud
Released on March 1, 2014
Alternative Title: D.E.S.I.R.E. WHEN I WAS YOUNG
Duration: 47:56
General description of album, including any relevant information/quotes from the composer about the album as a whole. This description will be shown in part on the "Recent Submissions" and "Featured Album" sections.
Heavy Wolf Bastard: “What does ‘D.E.S.I.R.E.’ stand for?”
James Webster: “Sorry but nothing - just an old sci-fi jRPG trope like J-E-N-O-V-A”
- 04/02/2021
James Webster: “i used a screencap from an old indiana jones game on the cover of D.E.S.I.R.E.
“fate of atlantis i think"
“i've never played it, but i love love love the PC pixel art from that era”
- 10/19/2021
- C-ガソリン
- クリスタル
- プロジェクト「ワンダー」
- 不安
- 『 スローダンス 』
- 初恋の人
Alternative Title: C-GASOLINE
Duration: 01:58
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Slush: “i wanna write a whole short story that i was inspired by C-Gasoline”
- 2/20/2022
James Webster: “i was catching up on staralgia since i was off the server for like an entire week when i ran across this post! you'll be really disappointed tho, it's another one of my personal in-jokes lol
“There's this weird song from the late 60's called ‘Classical Gas’ which I always thought was the stupidest title but also catchy - back in the early 00's I would keep a playlist in my iTunes library for all my classical music and called it ‘classical gas.’
“When I had the idea to try to eccojam classical music as an album opener I grabbed ‘Tales from the Vienna Woods’ by johan strauss and arbitrarily called the ableton file ‘C-Gas’ - later replacing ‘gas’ with the katakana for ‘gasoline’ and now here we are
“oh i misread OP, you wanted to write a story not hear the story lmao my bad”
James Webster: “i fucking love johan strauss haha"
“both richard and johan strauss have appeared on DDS albums
“idc how played out blue danube is, it's one of the greatest examples of a borrowed minor iv cadence is all of western music”
- 2/21/2022 -
Alternative Title: CRYSTAL
Duration: 03:01
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Duration: 04:11
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: FREAKY LIZARD
Duration: 01:30
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: PROJECT 'WONDER'
Duration: 01:39
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
FangTheWerewolf: “@HCMJ apologies if I’ve asked this before, but where was Project ‘Wonder’ sampled from because I truly do love it.”
James Webster: “Those early NUWRLD mixtapes I was mostly sampling from songs I remembered as a kid - that was a small sample from the title screen for Sky Shark for the NES, one of my first video games”
- 04/17/2021 -
Duration: 04:25
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: ANXIETY
Duration: 01:17
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
『 スローダンス 』
Alternative Title: "SLOWDANCE"
Duration: 02:23
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: FIRST CRUSH
Duration: 06:49
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Duration: 05:04
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: BED SHADOWS
Duration: 03:17
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: LINIP SILVER
Duration: 01:46
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
alex: “What is the Linip that appears in various track names?”
James Webster: “in Animal Crossing I always make my animal catchphrases things like “Narson Wales!” or “Libox Tram!” or “Linip Brilbo!” Etc. (Tech and I think nonsense is really funny because we are babies). So I just called a song LINIP and added “silver” like a place medal - then “gold” on DERELICT, and finally “Turquoise” on REGRET - because the album cover was turquoise and I thought the idea of a “turquoise medal” being awarded to a broken soul was poignant and slightly beautiful
“But ultimately absurd, but like DDS itself we like to build larger ideas out of things that start as little jokes”
- 11/05/2020 -
Duration: 06:40
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
James Webster: “[Favorite memory working on D.E.S.I.R.E.] Giving the FFVII piano collection The Caretaker treatment for “SERVER SHUTDOWN” - when the phrase finally resolved after 5:30 of looping it was deeply satisfying the first time.”
- 12/25/2020
Mental: “is SERVER SHUTDOWN in memory of the final fantasy xi servers”
James Webster: “SERVER SHUTDOWN is about that idea yes - that one day the FFXI servers will go down and with them an entire living breathing simulated world will simply vanish from this earth, as so many have before it. It's one of the most emotionally intense genres of online video, look up any failed online game's final moments - everyone is chatting and /dancing and saying goodbye and then suddenly the screen goes black - connection to server lost.... and it's all just gone
“luckily there are some pretty well scripted FFXI private servers out there but... it's not the original server-side code just a close approximation, so it's almost like puppeteering a corpse
“so yeah, that concept is one that haunts me haha”
- 03/21/2022 -
Alternative Title: HALLWAY GODDESS
Duration: 03:52
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
cathy the stupid: "I too wish I could be blessed in the glorious light of a Hallway Goddess"
James Webster: "we all kind of have - the hallway goddess is just the person you had a crush on in middle school and when you saw them in the hall at school it was like time slowed down and you heard angels singing"
- 09/04/2022
Concluding Thoughts
Anything to wrap up the analysis after having detailed the individual songs
Additional Media
Recent Submissions
death's dynamic shroud
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death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
death's dynamic shroud
Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view (featured album and recent submissions). Short description provided specifically for this view.
death's dynamic shroud
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