death's dynamic shroud
Released on April 6, 2014
Alternative Title: FEELINGS OF #NUWRLD
Duration: 59:25
“James Webster: Most of my samples are found through life experience. [...] A lot of the early mixtapes I had my whole life experience to guide me - like I used to
leave Star Fox 64's menu just on looping in my bedroom as a kid because I loved the music, or I always wished the cool part of Zora's Fountain in Ocarina of time
went on longer, or I remember it being 2007 and that time I smoked a bowl and played Pikmin and started crying during Olimar's journal at the end of day one because
the music was so beautiful, etc.”
- 03/08/2021
Discussion of the album title and its possible meanings.
James Webster: “When I first started doing covers for DDS albums it was the first time I had really done something "glitchy" outside of the [HCMJ - Metropolis]
cover and experiments with photoshop AI with [HCMJ - Iron Cities]. Before then I was mostly into album covers containing one potentially iconic photograph.
“The first DDS cover was straight up a screenshot from Shenmue I found online and put a soft focus filter on, but the covers got progressively more involved
from that point. RPG Windows Vista I felt really close to getting what I was really after, and then Feelings of #NUWRLD was truly the breakthrough and the genesis
of the methods I continue to use today.
“It was the first time I had ever used Blender, making the 3D text was a huge milestone moment, and maybe just as important it was the first time I grabbed a
row of pixels and stretched them off the canvas - which I just loved as a way to represent the way we were taking tiny bits of music and sort of blasting them into
the infinite. I had seen some vaporwave art that were using filters and programs to simulate glitching, but I wanted to make something that didn't look like anything
else out there - so I was determined to do everything manually with basic Photoshop tools.
“It's really exciting, tbh, because when you grab a certain line of pixels you never know what exactly you're going to get until you stretch them out. I'll never
forget how sick it was getting the big block of pixels on the #NUWRLD cover... in fact for [The Sailing- Anniversary of Spears] I dropped in the same lines from
#NUWRLD's file and just changed the color! Those same lines are also featured on the new Vitesse X remix cover - they are just perfect. [...] There they are"
- 01/01/2022
- ノーバディホーム (パート1)
- 美麗な画面
- リラックスENJOY
- ダンス
- ノーバディホーム (パート2)
- 入力終了
- 木WIND木
- 『CRUELストーリー』
- 近藤浩治
- アップビートwwwwwww
- 街の時計
- ノーバディホーム (パート3)
- 普通預金口座
- またあとで会いましょう!
Alternative Title: MACHINE DEATH
Duration: 02:47
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
ノーバディホーム (パート1)
Alternative Title: NOBODY HOME (PART 1)
Duration: 02:35
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
FangTheWerewolf: “Possibly overthinking this but is there a deeper meaning to the fact that Nobody Home Part 3 is CRAZY different in mood than 1 and 2”
James Webster: “there are 4 versions of that song on the Mystical Ninja 64 ost, I just wanted to use different versions of the same theme to create a sort of 'symphonic cohesion' on #NUWRLD (and saved the 4th with the surprise turn around for DERELICT) - and part 3 it's like a music box winding down or something to me”
- 05/07/2021 -
Alternative Title: NEWSPAPER
Duration: 01:03
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: SPACEY GIRL
Duration: 03:03
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: BEAUTIFUL SCREEN
Duration: 03:40
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: RELAX ENJOY
Duration: 05:31
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: DANCE
Duration: 01:59
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: NIGHT-T HEAVEN
Duration: 05:26
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
ノーバディホーム (パート2)
Alternative Title: NOBODY HOME (PART 2)
Duration: 03:31
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
FangTheWerewolf: “Possibly overthinking this but is there a deeper meaning to the fact that Nobody Home Part 3 is CRAZY different in mood than 1 and 2”
James Webster: “there are 4 versions of that song on the Mystical Ninja 64 ost, I just wanted to use different versions of the same theme to create a sort of 'symphonic cohesion' on #NUWRLD (and saved the 4th with the surprise turn around for DERELICT) - and part 3 it's like a music box winding down or something to me”
- 05/07/2021 -
Alternative Title: END OF INPUT
Duration: 00:18
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: WIND BETWEEN TREES
Duration: 02:13
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
[Favorite memory working on #NUWRLDの気持ち]
James Webster: “Getting FFXI up and running on my ps2 again to sample the game and sound effects on the old hardware for “木WIND木.””
- 12/25/2020 -
Alternative Title: "CRUEL STORY"
Duration: 02:44
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: KOJI KONDO
Duration: 03:27
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: UPBEATwwwwwww
Duration: 04:08
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
[in response to someone posting Wave Race 64 - Config music]
James Webster: “wow even I had forgotten about that sample haha
“i used to just browse N64 osts while recording onto cassette and then dump them back in massive files as slower/wobbling speeds, clip out bits and then form them into tracks
“so there's a lot of guesswork when I try to remember certain samples - that one was def completely lost from me”
- 03/04/2021 -
Alternative Title: CITY CLOCK
Duration: 02:19
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: JETTING BASEMENT
Duration: 03:06
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: HER GARDEN
Duration: 03:57
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
mental: “as far as I know, HER GARDEN is the only diamond and pearl sample from DDS, right?”
James Webster: “i was living with tech in dayton at the time, playing diamond - i came across that track and started freaking out, plugged my DS into my speakers and blasted it yelling to tech ‘OMG tech do you hear this song?!?!’”
Tech Honors: “haha i remember this exactly”
- 06/01/2021 -
ノーバディホーム (パート3)
Alternative Title: NOBODY HOME (PART 3)
Duration: 02:19
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
FangTheWerewolf: “Possibly overthinking this but is there a deeper meaning to the fact that Nobody Home Part 3 is CRAZY different in mood than 1 and 2”
James Webster: “there are 4 versions of that song on the Mystical Ninja 64 ost, I just wanted to use different versions of the same theme to create a sort of 'symphonic cohesion' on #NUWRLD (and saved the 4th with the surprise turn around for DERELICT) - and part 3 it's like a music box winding down or something to me”
- 05/07/2021 -
Alternative Title: SAVINGS ACCOUNT
Duration: 03:32
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Alternative Title: SEE YOU LATER!
Duration: 01:37
Known Instruments/Samples
Description of how the instruments/samples are used or altered, and what the song as a whole is made to sound like.
Story/Significance to album
If the album conveys a story, then interpretation of what takes place in this song. Otherwise, description of why this song is important to the album.
Inspiration/Quotes From Composer
Include anything that the composer themselves has said about this specific song, or any other quotes that may be relevant to it.
Concluding Thoughts
Anything to wrap up the analysis after having detailed the individual songs
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death's dynamic shroud
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death's dynamic shroud
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death's dynamic shroud
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death's dynamic shroud
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